Botanical garden Oakland Photo: Botanical garden Oakland

Botanical gardens Auckland is one of the most popular attractions of the city. It is located South of downtown Auckland, about a thirty minute drive and occupies 64 acres of beautifully landscaped land.

First Botanical Garden was opened to the public on 23 February 1982, so it is considered to be relatively young. Throughout its existence, the garden has built new buildings for the convenience of visitors. So, here were discovered information visit the visitor center, educational and entertainment center for children "Potter Garden, a library, café.

In the cafe "Miko" in addition to the standard food and drinks visitors can taste dishes with locally grown garden plants and herbs. In the library, anyone can obtain information about landscape design, the care of trees and grasses, insects and plant diseases, as well as to learn about the history of the garden.

In addition to the usual tourist excursions, every weekday from an hour to two garden staff conduct personal walks with interesting stories about the origin and characteristics of plants. In case a visitor gets tired from walking, you can always use a small train, designed for 16 people. Within 30 minutes he will ride along the garden's paths and drive to the visitor center.

World of flora in the Botanical garden of Auckland is a surprisingly rich collection. For example, here are 2 357 local plants of new Zealand origin, 80% of which are endemic, ie, these plants can be found exclusively in New Zealand and nowhere else in the world. This is because historically New Zealand for many years was in isolation from the rest of the world.

The garden also contains a rich collection of fruits, vegetables, nuts and edible flowers that are not only delicious, but also healthy. On the Northern slope of the arboretum presents with representatives of species of trees from all over the southern hemisphere. The first planting of this young collection were made in 1999. The garden also contains a rich collection of palm trees, perennial plants, shrubs, herbs, African plants, etc.

On the Eastern side of the Botanical Garden is a quiet and peaceful Garden of Camellias. It is especially nice to be in the fall and winter when other areas of the garden plants have a period of hibernation. Also in the winter period (November to July) you can enjoy a rich collection in the Rose Garden, which is located on the Northern slope of the Botanical Garden.

Particularly noteworthy is the rock Garden. Here is a rich collection of cacti and succulents from Africa, America, Europe, Canary Islands, Madagascar and Europe. This beautiful place is located almost in the very centre of the Botanical garden, near the visitor centre. It is common to see wedding ceremony or just visitors who have arranged a picnic on the grass.

In the Botanical garden there are two large artificial lakes, several small lakes, small ponds and streams. On the shore of a lake was created by a small quiet garden in memory of the victims of the tragedy in Hiroshima.

In addition to study tours for adults and children in the Botanical Garden of Auckland regularly holds training sessions, workshops, event event, etc.

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