Ruins of the ancient city of Monte Alban Photo: Ruins of the ancient city of Monte Alban

Monte Alban was once the largest pre-Columbian settlement, where he lived Zapotec. Its ruins are located in the Southeast of Mexico in the state of Oaxaca, whose eponymous capital is just 9 miles away. The name of the town literally translated as "white mountain".

The ceremonial center of the ancient city is located on top of a hill, which rises two thousand feet above sea level. The Zapotecs were a few hundred terraces and a dozen bulk facilities. These ruins are truly impressive, because they can be seen from any point of the valley of Oaxaca.

This city is considered the first and foremost in all of Mesoamerica. For nearly a thousand years it was the political and economic center of the Zapotec civilization. The city is inhabited by about 20 thousand people. The beginning of its history scholars date to around the year 500 BC. Its decline came in the late Classic period, about 500-750 ad. After he was practically abandoned. Local residents were engaged in the processing of rock crystal, manufacture of gold jewelry.

First expedition that found the city was a group of Alfonso Caso, who came here in 1932. Excavations were begun. Part of what was found left here by putting in a small Museum. The remaining artifacts were taken to Mexico city. Among the many pictures here were found images of people, of similar appearance by the Toltecs, historians attribute this to the fact that the city was once captured them.

The archaeological site of Monte Alban is listed as a cultural heritage site by UNESCO.

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