Zakharovo Photo: Zakharovo

Zakharovo village has existed since the beginning of the XVII century, but many times changed its owners. In 1804 it was acquired by the grandmother of Alexander Pushkin – Maria A. Hannibal. The Pushkin family came here in the early spring and returned to Moscow in late autumn. On the shore zakharovskogo pond grew a huge Linden tree, near which on a semicircular bench, as he said, liked to sit a little Pushkin.

M. A. Hannibal broke up with Zakharov almost immediately after leaving his grandson in a Lyceum in 1811 It was under the care of her sister Agrafena Alexeyevna. Her grave is in Big Vyazemy was near the grave of the deceased in Zaharova brother of the poet Nicholas.

At the end of the nineteenth century the public of Russia raised the issue of the acquisition Zakharova in state ownership, as it was with the Mikhailovsky. But money was not, and the estate continued to be private property, and at the turn of the twentieth century lost an old Pushkin house. On the previous Foundation was built a new house, repeating architectural house Pushkin's time.

After the revolution the estate eventually fell into disrepair. Initially it housed the orphanage, then the summer camp and the newspaper. Only in 1987, it was decided to build estates Zakharovo and Big Vyazemy State historical and literary Museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin.

Every year on the first Saturday in June Zaharova is Pushkin festival.

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