Botanical garden Photo: Botanical garden

In the resort town Palanga at the Baltic sea coast is the Lithuanian Botanical garden, surrounded by pine trees. Prior to that the Park had a considerable number of names: Palanga Park, Tiskevicius, Birutes. Now it is called the Botanical gardens of Palanga.

As for the history, we can say that fishing lodges, facing the sea, were located so close to the waters that sand drifts and waves could reach up to the window sills of houses. It is believed that the word "Palanga" is derived from the root meaning lowland or wetland. It is assumed that similar wetland with drowning in the thick sand fishermen's houses, was acquired in 1824 by Colonel army Mykolas Tiškevičius. The Tyszkiewicz family has turned this village into a sea resort by the end of the 19th century.

In 1891 Feliks Tyszkiewicz, inherits the estate in Palanga. Already in 1897, was completed the construction of the Palace. Soon around the Park was founded with landscape views, filled with elements of classical style. To implement the idea for the Park was invited by the popular French architect and botanist Francois Andre. As you know, parks this wizard is decorated with many French, Italian and Dutch cities. Three summers Andre spent with his son rené Edouard andré in the estate of Palanga. To create the Park was invited and horticulturist from Belgium Buisson teh Colon.

The Park is the epicenter of the Tyszkiewicz Palace, built by architect from Germany Franco Sveltana. Today it houses the amber Museum, which was opened in 1963. Around the Palace adorn the natural landscape, the contrast between which is clearly visible in the background of the Park planning.

Park in Palanga is a perfect example of a good use of the natural landscape. Wetlands were transformed into picturesque ponds with Islands. Coastal bends are made so that the impression as if the water surface is an incredible length. Black alder stands behind the spirit on the coastal edge that creates the illusion of water movement.

In the composition of the Park perfectly fit the natural landform dunes. The first dune has a height of 17 metres and is located on the northeast side of the Park and sets the direction of movement, which focuses on raspilochnoy site, placed on her sculpture titled "Egle-the Queen of snakes".

The basic structure of the Park is pine forest, which is the unifying element of the whole space. Curved into strange shapes pine trunks create a strong impression, and their delicate crown, letting the sun's rays, creates an interesting atmosphere in the Park.

Park perfectly combines the intertwining of public and private parts of the spaces, the alternation of which provides unsurpassed Botanical garden changing impressions. A green route, which is clearly laid out, linking all of the composite parts of the Park. Special landing safely protect from winds of the glade, but the wind on the Baltic coast are not uncommon. It is glade to create the General impression of landscape paintings and provide an excellent overview of the entire Palace, shrubs, trees and pond.

The Park has many entrances, so you can easily log into it from any side. But despite this, he merges invisible line with natural pine wood, which the Park is surrounded on three sides; only on the North side it is fenced from the remote part of the resort town in the form of transparent fence with a lot of passes.

The seedlings for the establishment of the Park were brought to Palanga from Konigsberg, Paris, Berlin and many other European Botanical gardens. Besides, were imported and exotic plants and various hardwoods. The Park features and decorative forms of black pine, paper birch, hornbeam, black walnut and Siebold. It is the introduction of exotic specimens in the arrangement of the Park allowed us to expand the species composition is represented species in the Park – for this reason, the Park was renamed to the Botanical garden. According to 1992 in the collection of the Park there were 370 species of herbaceous plants and over 250 species of trees and shrubs.

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