The city of science and industry Photo: city of science and industry

The city of science and industry, the third most popular Museum in the centre of Paris (the Louvre and the Pompidou Centre), situated in the Park of La Villette. During the year the town is visited by about five million people, most of them, of course, children and adolescents. Although there is interesting and grown up.

The idea of creating in Paris, deprived of science museums, a major new centre of this kind was put forward in 1977 by President valéry Giscard d'estaing. He considered introducing children to science and technology, awakening their curiosity and passion for research as a public task. The contest was won by the architect Adrian Fainsilber – he proposed to use as a Museum of the huge pavilion of the old slaughterhouses of the Park of La Villette. Opened the town for the next President, Francois Mitterrand. The event was timed to the date of the meeting of the probe Giotto European space Agency's comet Halley (13 March 1986).

The town became the largest scientific Museum in Europe. He is the heart of the Center of the culture of science, technology and industry (CCSTI), also located in La Villette. The Museum includes special areas for children and teenagers, a planetarium, a real submarine, amazing cinema "La Geode" and many other objects.

Children under seven years old are you want to Tinker with amazing water and pneumatic toys, build a house made of light bricks, manage mobiles. For older kids (up to 12 years) there are thematic platforms, where special animators are a kind of fascinating workshops. Themes – TV Studio, water, garden, factory, human body.

In the planetarium of town computers on 360 screens create surrounding visitors live image – here you can see the birth of the Universe, the appearance of the Earth. Next – a giant sparkling egg theatre "La Geode". The high definition image is projected on 10,000 square meters of the hemispherical screen, the audience is completely immersed in the film.

Museum visitors can climb aboard the submarine "Argonaut" – a real fighting ship of the French Navy, the legendary ship, ten times round the earth's equator. In 1989, the submarine made its last flight on the canal de l'ourcq to drop anchor near the cinema "La Geode".

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