The fortress of Patras Photo: the Fortress in patrai

One of the main attractions of the Greek city of Patras are known as the majestic ruins of a Byzantine fortress. Grandiose fortification was built in the second half of the 6th century on a small hill 800 m from the shoreline on the ruins of the ancient Acropolis and continuously used until the end of the Second world war.

The fortress was erected by decree of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian after a major earthquake in 551. It covers an area of about 23000 square meters and consisted of a massive outer walls with watch towers and internal walls. Additional protection for the inhabitants of the fortress served as a moat.

As a building material used different fragments of the destroyed pre-Christian structures (though in those days it was common practice). Such pieces - the head and torso of a marble Roman statue, known as "Petronella", have become part of local folklore, a kind of spirit-patron of the city. According to local legend "Patronella" was a woman in a male and in the Ottoman period the city was defended from diseases and cried when he died a noble citizen of Patras.

For centuries, Patras was considered an important strategic target and "sea gate" of the Peloponnese. Not surprisingly, the castle always was of particular interest to the invaders. In the Byzantine era, the castle was repeatedly attacked by the Slavs, Saracens, Normans, etc., but, however, never surrendered, to withstand a serious siege at 805 year. In 1205, the fortress managed to capture the Franks, who thoroughly fortified Fort in accordance with the realities of his time. Subsequently, here in turn was dominated by the Venetians, Constantine Paleologos and, finally, the Turks surrendered the fortress to the Greeks only in 1828.

Since 1973 the castle is run by the 6th Inspectorate of Byzantine Antiquities and is an important historical and architectural monument. In summer, the fortress hosts a variety of cultural activities. From the top of the ramparts offer stunning views of the city and the boundless sea.

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