The Church Of The Holy Mother Of God Photo: Church Of The Holy Mother Of God

Church of the Holy virgin Mary in Pazardzhik is the oldest temple in the city and one of its symbols. In 1964 it was officially named artistic and architectural-construction monument of culture of national significance.

The building was erected on the same place five times, and each time, as demanded by the Ottoman authorities did not allow the Bulgarians to build high churches, it dug into the ground and had to be hidden behind high walls. The last building was erected in the years 1836-1837. Unlike previous churches, it was made not of wood but of stone and brick, and in the style of the Renaissance. Total building area – 1140 sq. m. In the inner part are two chapels of the Holy Archangel and St. Nicholas.

The history of the construction of the temple is mentioned in ancient Chronicles and legends. According to legend, the local police officer allowed the Bulgarians to build a Church, but with the condition that construction will allocate as much land as will cover one oxhide. Main master has agreed to a condition, but resorted to cunning: he sliced the skin of an ox thin strips and used them to surround a substantial piece of land. Seeing this, the Turkish Manager admired the ingenuity of the Christians and he didn't get to create any obstacles to construction.

Very soon the Church of St. Mary became the center of educational activities, which corresponded liturgical books. After the Liberation in 1878 the wall around the Church was demolished. A belfry was erected, and the temple restored and painted inside and out.

Visitors will be interesting iconostasis of the Church. It is made of walnut wood by the masters of the schools of the city of DEP (now part of the Republic of Macedonia). This is an awesome design 20 x 40 meters and a total area of 120 square meters. On the iconostasis depicts scenes from Scripture, as well as the shapes of magic animals – dragons, griffins, etc. Beautifully executed figures of Christ, angels, saints. The real wealth of the temple – collection of 221 icons 18-20 centuries.

St. Mary Church included in the List of the hundred national tourist sites of Bulgaria.

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