Karelian state puppet theatre Photo: Karelian State puppet theatre

Karelian state puppet theatre is a modern theatre complex built by the architect Taeva E. G., near the Karelian national theatre. Funds for its construction and equipment of the most modern technologies were allocated from the budgets of the Republic of Karelia and the Russian Federation. In December 2010, he celebrated his birthday and, although he was already 75 years, the creative team is very energetic, lives with new ideas and actively introducing modern forms of theatrical art.

This is a professional theatre, it was opened in 1935, is one of the oldest puppet theatres in Russia. Its founders were students of the courses of S. V. Obraztsova, artists of the Theatre of working youth. A few years after the founding, the theatre operated as part of other creative teams: Tram – before 1935, Spectators - until 1937, Colostate. In the theatre he worked in different years famous actors: M. Korolev, Efremov S., Borovkov N., Belkin S., I. Moskalev, Tips V., Skaldina H. ^ T.

Now in the repertoire of the puppet theatre has performances for children and adults, making a total of more than 30. In these productions uses a variety of methods and techniques of kuklovozhdenie is platen and performances that use stick puppets, and performances with live plan, and of course finger and tablet dolls.

Extensive and touring collective of theatre of dolls. Viewers Russia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Greece and many other cities in countries of near and far abroad are familiar with Karelian puppet theatre.

In the repertoire of the theatre mainly included children's performances, designed for preschool and school age (as younger and middle). There are several performances for young audiences and for family viewing. Traditional and favorite for several generations of viewers have become performances: "the frog Princess", "Masha and the Bear", "cat house", "By magic".

The theatre received numerous awards, one of them - "Onega mask", the highest theatrical award of the Karelian Republic. Won the National prize of Russia "Golden mask" performances for adults: "Gilded foreheads" B. Shergin (2007), "a Dog's tale" by K. Capek (2009). In the play "the Gilded foreheads" prize "Golden mask" was awarded actress Love Biryukova.

One of the areas of creative activity of the theater, began the development of international projects and participation in them. Together with the municipality of Oulu in Finland, the theatre has launched the development of the project and the organization of many Amateur puppet theatres for children and youth and age, both in Finland and in Karelia.

Since June 2003 the festival "Callantine". This national festival is held every two years, he purchased and fixed setting skills puppet performances, the creative exchange between theatre companies.

Theatre and participates in International and Russian festivals. In October 2007 he conducted the VI festival of puppet theatres of the Barents region. The country participants of the festival: Russia, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland. This international festival is held every two years. It reflects the traditions of the Northern peoples, it is a cultural combined with a certain worldview, but is open for teams from other EU countries.

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