The Church Of St. Nicholas Photo: Church Of St. Nicholas

At Nicholas square stands the small Church of St. Nicholas. Scientists believe that it was built in 1406-1410, on the site of an ancient temple, which was part of the fortress Mirwald, founded by the lords of Lititz. The place for the Church was very well chosen: with her steps a scenic view of the river Radbuza.

In 1414, near the temple, by the king, was broken city cemetery. It was intended for the poor and people not of the Catholic faith. At first the cemetery, indeed, were buried only the poor, but over time the churchyard in the city has become very popular. Many prominent citizens wished to be buried in this cemetery near the Church of St. Nicholas. Since the eighteenth century have survived a luxurious, richly decorated monuments that are of interest to tourists.

From the Gothic St. Nicholas Church over time has remained. It was altered in accordance with the requirements of fashion, changed the facade and roof shape. In 1740 the Church was extensively reconstructed. The Church acquired a Baroque features and a new interior. The Church has established lush Baroque altar and wooden benches with intricate carvings. Then were created the sculpture of St. Nicholas and of St. John of Nepomuk, which have survived to our time.

In 1909 the Church was extended: it was attached to the sacristy. After this the Church was expecting difficult times. It caught fire several times, tried to destroy and Rob. Only after 1993, when the Church was placed under the jurisdiction of the Greek-Catholic Church, it began to function normally.

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