National theatre of Montenegro Photo: national theatre of Montenegro

Performing arts in Montenegro is not only artistic, but also social. The way of all the dramatic traditions of the country stretches from the origins of the national culture.

Theatre of Montenegro is currently the only professional theatre. It is located in the country's capital, Podgorica, in the magnificent building, rightfully considered one of the most striking buildings in modern architecture. This is the second building for the Montenegrin theatre, opened after extensive restoration in 1997.

The first building has served him for 20 years, from 1969 PA year. In the last year there was a big fire, during which it was completely destroyed. 7 years of construction and restoration of the new theatre building. Such a long recovery contributed to financial instability in the country, caused by the breakup of Yugoslavia. The new facility opened its doors for the audience and actors in 1997 and during the first 10 years after restoration on the stage of the theater took place more than 40 productions. Every year the theatre hosts under its roof more than 50,000 spectators. He is a frequent initiator of the various festivals of theatre arts, including music.

The history of the National theatre of Montenegro conducted since the early 50-ies. In the middle of last century there were 5 professional theatres. Montenegro was on the 1st place in Europe in terms of their number to the number of inhabitants. It was then, in 1953, in Titograd (formerly Podgorica) and formed a municipal theater. The organizers dreamed that their offspring became one of the most important cultural institutions in the country, and waged a constant work in this direction. Since 1958, in the troupe of the theatre began to enter the semi-professional teams from different cities of Montenegro. But already in 1960, the troupe went on his first tour abroad of the Republic. And so, in 1969, the theatre received its official status and became a National.

In the mid-70s is the appointment of a new Director – Vlado Popovic, who tried to breathe in the creativity of actors, new trends, was not intimidated by the creative experiments in theatrical productions. Such searches troupe of his personality to the audience is not always clearly perceived.

Frozen theatrical life of the country after a fire in 1989 revived with the arrival of a new team of actors under the guidance of Branislav Micunovic. Now the troupe is actively replenished by young talents from theatre school in Cetinje and brightest artists from neighboring countries.

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