New town hall Photo: New town hall

The Place was founded by king Charles IV, who received from his astrologer's not very fun prediction: the city of Prague, consisting in those days of two districts, shall perish by fire and water. To prevent the extinction of their capital to the Ground, Charles IV ordered the founding of the third area, called New Place.

The heart of Prague is the Charles square. It is the New town hall, which was built in 1348 by order of the king himself. After about a hundred years the town hall has got a high tower (70 meters) with clock, where nowadays is located the chapel of the virgin Mary and an observation deck. Go up there, breaking the 212 steps, can be anyone. On the ground floor of the town hall you can see a large hall, decorated in the Gothic style. In the chapel is usually confessed prisoners who were held in the same building as the first floor of the tower for a long time served as a prison.

In 1559, the town hall was almost completely destroyed, first by a lightning strike that caused the fire, and then a powerful wind. It was decided to rebuild all over again, but already in the Renaissance style. In 1905 he held a large-scale reconstruction, which resulted in the hall acquired its modern look.

Near the entrance to the building you can see the length standard. It is attached at a height of 2 meters on a building wall.

The town hall has played a great importance in the history of Prague and throughout the Czech Republic. Of dissatisfied citizens in 1419 threw the mayor and some other officials, and that was the beginning of the Hussite war.

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