The Church Of Our Lady Of Sorrows Photo: Church Of Our Lady Of Sorrows

Riga Church of our lady of sorrows is the first sacred stone building in Riga, built after the beginning of the reformation in Livonia. In its place stood a small chapel, consecrated in 1865. In 1875 through Riga drove the Austrian Emperor Joseph II, who, visiting this small temple was extremely surprised and outraged at the poor and the unsightly view of the chapel. He donated a considerable sum of money to build more representative of the temple.

The first stone in the Foundation of the future Church was consecrated in 1784, and a year later was consecrated the newly built Church in honor of our lady of sorrows, the service was conducted by Bishop Janis Bonislawski. The construction of the Church sacrificed the future Emperor of Russia Paul I, Polish king Stanislaw Poniatowski and other Polish magnates. In addition, provided financial support, within its capabilities, local Catholics. According to the instructions of the Empress Catherine II all buildings on castle square, including the Church had to be built in the classical style.

A temple was built was a three-nave building, the Church led three entrances, the main was located on the lateral side. The Church itself was designed in the classical style, but the individual parts belonged to the Baroque.

In may 1854 in Riga visited the Russian Emperor Nicholas I, who, after seeing the temple, said that the building is roomy enough and it is too narrow. Comments of the Emperor hastened the repair work. In 1858 began a major restoration of the building, which lasted 2 years. The leader of perestroika was a young and talented architect Johann Daniel Felsko.

The last reconstruction of the Church of our lady of sorrows, which the Church acquired a modern appearance, took place in 1895. The architect was the German Maestro Wilhelm Backslap. He gave the neo-Renaissance building appearance and expanded it by means of completion of the premises for the rite of baptism.

As a result, the Church acquired a graceful, eclectic finishes, virtually unchanged extant. The height of the Church, including the steeple, is 35 meters. The main entrance is on the side of the Castle square. The length of the Church is 48 meters width – 17 meters. The Church as first and has a three-nave form, the type she belongs to the Church hall-type buildings. The top storey of the tower that functions as a dominant, is crowned by a pyramidal spire.

Regarding the interior it is worth noting that after numerous rearrangements, each of which brought something of their own that it was amazing mixture of architectural styles. Here you can see elements of classicism, in this style, the Church was originally made. The first restructuring has brought elements of romantic and Gothic, and later all has elements of neo-Renaissance. The Church survived times of war and Soviet times, all the while she was acting.

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