The Church Of Jesus Photo: The Church Of Jesus

The Church of Jesus — the mother Church of the Roman Catholic order of the Jesuits, formally known as del santissimo canal Nome di gesù al Teatro Argentina. Located on the Piazza del gesù. The facade of this Church is considered the first truly Baroque façade, which introduced the Baroque style in architecture. And the Church itself served as a model for a great number of churches of the Jesuits around the world, especially in the Americas. Conceived in 1551, Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, the Church was also home to General of the society of Jesus (Jesuit order) until the dissolution of the order in 1773.

The Church of Jesus was built on the site of the temple of Santa Maria della Strada, in which Loyola once prayed before the icon of the virgin Mary. This icon, now decorated with precious stones, is stored in the Ignatius chapel to the right of the altar. The construction of the Church started in 1568 by the architect Vignola. In addition to his construction of the Church worked for several architects, including Giacomo della Porta, the authorship of which belongs to cross the arch, the dome and the apse. Inside the Church there is no vestibule in which to stay, the visitor enters directly into the main room, the Central nave without side aisles, and his attention attracted by the high altar. Instead of aisles — a series of connected chapels, the entrance to which is highlighted by a decorative railing. Mosaic of coloured marble punctuated by gilded, frescoed barrel vault decorates the ceiling and the stucco and marble sculptures stand out with their space.

The facade of the Church of Jesus is divided into two parts. The bottom consists of six pairs of columns with Corinthian capitals, and the upper divided into 4 pairs of columns. The main entrance is located under a curved tympanum, and lateral door under triangular.

It is believed that the first altar of the Church was made by Giacomo della Porta, but in the 19th century it was rebuilt by Antonio Sarti. Sarti has also covered the walls of the apse marble. At the altar you can see sculptures of angels work Rinaldo Rinaldi. The altarpiece is the work of Alessandro Capaldi. One of the most outstanding elements of the interior decoration of the Church are frescos on the ceiling, Giovanni Battista, Gaulle, who also painted the dome.

It is worthy of the chapel of the Church is the Cappella di Sant'andrea with frescoes of Agostino Ciampelli, Cappella della Pasion with a bronze urn, which holds the remains of St. Giuseppe Pignatelli, Capella degli Angeli with a ceiling fresco Federico Dzukkari, spacious chapel of St. Francis Xavier Church, designed by Pietro da Cortona, the chapel of the Sacro Cuore and others In presbyterie kept a bust of cardinal Robert Bellarmine by Bernini. The Grand chapel of the Church is the chapel of St. Ignatius — it was built by the architect Andrea Pozzo in 1699-1700. The tomb of the Saint is here.

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