Historical-archaeological historical and archaeological reservation Sboryanovo Photo: Historical-archaeological historical and archaeological reservation Sboryanovo

Historical-archaeological historical and archaeological reservation Sboryanovo is located on the banks of the river Crepines between settlements Sveshtari and Malak-Borovets. It consists of 140 historical sites: temples, tombs and settlements that existed on the territory of Bulgaria since ancient times.

One of the most interesting objects in the territory of "Sboryanovo" is discovered in 1982 Royal tomb near the settlement of Sveshtari. It was found during excavations Ginina barrow (East mound necropolis), the construction of which scholars refer to the beginning of the III century BC and is called the object that has significant archaeological value. Thanks to the artistic decoration and unique architecture of this monument included in the UNESCO list of World cultural heritage (1985).

In the early seventeenth century this territory was built a house of prayer, dervishes, because the land on which it was erected, it was considered sacred to the peoples and tribes who lived about 2000 years ago. Of all the buildings are best preserved in the crypt Demir Baba (a Muslim Saint), and the altar, located in the courtyard of the house of prayer. To visit this object can be anyone, in the course of the year in daylight hours.

Another world famous landmark of the historical and archaeological reservation Sboryanovo is the ancient capital of one of the Thracian tribes – the Helis. The city of Helis was built at the end of the IV century BC, the area was more than 10 ha.

Stone hill (Kamen reed) – sanctuary of the stone age, which was built for the purpose of sacrifice to the Sun God. Today anyone can get to the Stone of the hill country road that starts in front of the camp "Ahinora".

Another unique facility, found in the territory Sboryanovo, is being studied by scientists today. He is poluzabytye representative in the land, commercial and residential buildings. During recent excavations in the territory of the architectural ensemble was found chapel. Research work continues.

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