The building of the railway station and the station square Photo: the Building of the railway station and the station square

Real decoration of the capital of Mordovia after an extensive renovation in 2009 was the building of the railway station. "Main gate" of the city of Saransk were built in 1940, but the building is technically and morally outdated, ceasing to meet all the requirements of passenger service. After reconstruction, the station has increased more than twice, becoming the basis of a new passenger terminal, as well as expanded and improved station square.

The movement of trains in Saransk started with 1893, and in our day through the station are more than a dozen trains in different directions, connecting the major cities of the country. Modern three-storey station building will delight equipment and comfort even the most demanding tourist. In addition to the main conditions of comfortable waiting trains and service center touch with an individual guide, the building is adapted for people with disabilities.

Station square Saransk too will surprise travelers. In 1963 on the square was a monument to the heroes of the stratosphere pilots, created by sculptor A. A. Written and architect A. N. Dushkina. Soaring bronze figure of the young man on a high pedestal creates a sense of movement, of flight. The history of the conquerors of the stratosphere began and ended in January 1934, when, rising to a height of 22 km to the stratosphere "Osoaviakhim-1", three young men became heroes of the country. During the descent the balloon, unable to bear the load, crashed and fell to the ground. On a round pedestal with inscribed names of heroes, buried in red square in Moscow. Also in honor of the heroes, cleared road into space, the streets were named Saransk.

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