The Holy Trinity Church Photo: Trinity Church

One of the oldest buildings surviving in the town of Sebezh, became the Church of the Holy Trinity. It is located on a small hill and closes the perspective of the previously existing street of Peter the Great in the part that goes directly on the Castle Hill. The Trinity Church is a typical example of a provincial Church, built in Baroque style and surviving without any global rearrangements. From the South from the Church, passing through a small area, which formerly bore the name of the commercial, is the house of the priest, which is the 19th century (today this building relates to the building of the military registration and enlistment office).

It is worth noting that the Church of the Holy Trinity has quite a long and interesting story. Spring March 20, 1625, according to the decree of the Polish king Sigismund, took place the laying of a wooden Church in the area at the time working Basilian convent. In the middle of 1649 known tycoon named Jerome Radziwill became Sebezhsky count and decided to lay on the place of previously existing, but soon burnt wooden Church, a Church made of stone. Until the beginning of 1954, and at a time when the district was ceded to Muscovy, the construction of the Church was completed, and was held a ceremony of consecration. In the period from 1654 to 1674, nobody knows exactly what happened to the monastery: or it was closed, or he simply ceased to exist and to be called Basilian. Most likely, in the Church was held Orthodox services.

In the middle of 1673 Sebezh again goes to the Polish state. After the event in the temple resumed Mass. Also at this time appeared complete, in the shape of the bulb on all the towers and also over a Church altar. During 1772-1804 years in the Church Church services were not held due to the fact that the building was severely dilapidated.

In terms of the Trinity Church is one-nave building with a rectangular porch and equipped by the West, a five-sided apse. Facade, located on the West side, adorned with two turrets and gable.

In 1804, the building became a parish Church. Hard times for Russia, namely in 1917, the Church was closed. Many years later, from 1960 to 1970, the Church building was a dormitory, after which the Church is turned into an ordinary grocery store. In 1985, in a building of the warehouse was a severe fire that caused almost completely burnt down the roof, then the building is completely abandoned, and it gradually began to deteriorate.

At the end of 1988 charred and dilapidated building was transferred to the newly formed Orthodox community. The gradual recovery was made on the money of the parishioners, grants and donations of companies, not only the city but also the region. The following year the Archbishop of Pskov and Velikoluksky Eusebius undertook the rite of consecration of the Holy Trinity Cathedral.

To celebrate the 350th anniversary of the city of the crosses and domes were covered in gold, and the building was painted in a beautiful green color. In the temple were done painting the top parts of all the walls, and a Church iconostasis. Was consecrated registered new bell, weighing approximately 500 pounds, which was made in Minsk on cash philanthropists.

Today the Church of the Holy Trinity is valid, there are Orthodox services.

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