The Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh with the Refectory of the Trinity Sergius Lavra Photo: Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh with the Refectory of the Trinity Sergius Lavra

The largest and most elegant building of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh with the Refectory. The length of the wall of the building is 82 m, and the total area – 500 sq m. it could accommodate 300-400 people. Like many other buildings of the monastery, St. Sergius Church was built by order of Peter Alekseevich in 1686-1692, in thanks Laura for the salvation of the Royal family. Shortly before the construction of the monastery were suppressed Strelets riots, and Peter First proclaimed king.

The Church of St. Sergius was consecrated in the year of the 300th anniversary of the uncovering of the relics of Abbot. Temple – pillarless, two tiers of Windows, with large Windows and three semicircular apses. Before the second floor kept the monastic manuscript. Current carved gilded iconostasis was replaced still here in 1948, he moved from the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas the Great cross. The interior of the Church is striking in its splendor: gold plated and vserebrennikov numerous sculptural cartouches.

Huge for those times the vaulted refectory, devoid of additional supports, richly decorated. The walls of the building is decorated with the tricolor painted "chess" blue, red and green. Only speakers the apse of the Church change the blue color to white, which further emphasizes the prominence of the figure. Incidentally, patterns and reliefs are everywhere. Master decorators have tried to decorate every inch of the majestic ceremonial buildings semicircular basins, columns, vine carved columns flanking the large window. Above each window is an icon that is inserted in patterned gable bizarre. Even handles wrought iron door with an embossed pattern draw eyes: lion masks holding in his teeth a metal ring.

The whole building is surrounded by a wide gallery, called with staircases leading upstairs to the room is large Refectory. At the main entrance to the house is ornately engraved with the text, stating that Sergius Church and the Refectory was consecrated by his Holiness Patriarch Adrian in July 1692, in the presence of "only the sovereign house". High basement floor at one time was used for storage of edibles, here was the kitchen and ate the pilgrims. The monks ate in a small room, located on the second floor and adjacent to the main building from the South.

Interior of the refectory, which we can observe now, made by order of Catherine II. For the painting of the Church and chambers was invited by the painter A. N. Yanovsky. However, in the nineteenth century domestic paintings repeatedly changed. Paul Refectory consists of bricks of red-brown Jasper.

Such a festive chamber is more like a Palace than a monastery building, and were designed for receptions and dinners. In XX century there was the cathedrals of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1956 Refectory became two of the consecrated chapel with the southern and Northern sides: in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Joasaph of Belgorod. In winter, the Church held the main worship of the Holy abode.

The whole building is on a slope Makovetsky of the hill. This creates conditions for enhanced care of the building, because spruce piles driven during construction, rot, and Refectory moves, acquiring new crack. Open gallery, by the local climate, too, is destroyed and constantly requires restoration.

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