The toy Museum Photo: the toy Museum

Sergiev Posad is famous for its toy fishing all over the world. It is not surprising that it was here in 1931 he moved the toy Museum, which began its existence in Moscow. In 1910 Bartram Nikolai Dmitrievich was fond of collecting. Originally a collection of different toys was located at his home. But the collection grew, and in 1918 the artist decides to open a Museum. He chooses the house number 8 on Smolensky Boulevard, and in 1921, one-story house with a mezzanine welcomes first visitor. However, the number of collections is growing rapidly. Again you have to look for the room. Already in 1925, the Museum opens on Kropotkin street. Here for toys given five halls, exceeding in area the former premises more than twice.

The Museum is successfully developing. Participated in Moscow exhibitions, plays host to puppet theatres of the capital. The Museum also organises courses art toys, where every year gain knowledge of about 300 artists applied craft. The house on Kropotkin street becomes one of the most popular tourist destination after the Tretyakov gallery. After the death of founder and curator of the Museum in 1931 the exhibits moved to Zagorsk (formerly Sergiev Posad). From 1980 to the present day, the Museum lives in the most picturesque place Sergiev Posad. The old two-storey mansion of red brick, standing on mount the Tow near Taylor's pond.

Modern doll stand alongside the ancient wood, the works of the Russian masters — foreign. Just over a hundred thousand exhibits. You will see miniature Dollhouse furniture and utensils are exact copies of the real interior. In addition to toys in the Museum children's portraits artists of the XVII-XXI centuries.

Among the most interesting exhibits are the toys of children of the last Russian Tsar: model cars, ships, locomotives and other equipment for Tsarevich Alexei, dolls from Germany and France with rooms and furniture for the daughters of Nicholas II. Here is a French chest with the Royal games: bingo, checkers, badminton, ping pong, rope. In the sovereign collection and works by Russian masters. For example, the layout of the Rostov Kremlin, where open Windows and gates, and behind them with watercolors with delicate precision made the copy of these frescoes of the XIII century.

A century of dolls has a special place in the exposition. She was one of the first native Russian dolls — the symbol of the city. Dolls and their neighbor filimonovo and Dymkovo ladies, bogorodskii the work of Russian peasants, and most importantly, craftsmen craftsmen are probably a large part of the Museum. Wooden toys from the village of Bogorodskoye are of interest because, first, they are executed in the technique of the so-called " sleeping thread (without pre-prepared sketches), and secondly, just arranged in moving parts. Frozen suddenly comes to life.

Those who spent their childhood in the Soviet years, probably will stop at the shop Windows with toys of the time. This and the first Soviet tractors, and figures of the red army. Many are made of waste material that reflects the difficult period in the life of our country. But at all times the toy was in the role of caregiver. That is why, despite the difficulties in the economy 30-ies of the twentieth century, in Zagorsk open all-Union scientific-experimental Institute of toy and industrial College of the toy. From 1980 to the Museum came Olympic bear, who was born here in Sergiev Posad.

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