Ksiaz Castle Photo: Ksiaz Castle

Ksiaz castle – the largest castle of Silesia, situated in a protected area of the landscape Park near Wałbrzych. Ksiaz castle is one of the main tourist attractions of the region.

The original wooden building on this site was destroyed in 1263 by Ottokar II. The Duke of Bolko I began construction of the stone castle in 1288. The next owner was childless Duke of Bolko II, after whose death in 1368, in the castle lived his widow Agnes von Habsburg. In 1392, the Duchy came under the sceptre of Czech kings castle received václav IV. When it was built the medieval Central tower with a height of 30 meters. In 1428-1429, the castle was occupied by Hussites as a result of military action.

It is known that in the late fifteenth century there lived a king Vladislav Jagiello.

In 1509 the owners of the castle was count sort of Huberhof, who owned it until the beginning of world war II. In the second half of the sixteenth century, the owners have updated the castle in the then modern style of the Renaissance. During the Thirty years war some parts of the castle were destroyed, so in 1671 restoration work began, which was invited by the Italian master Antonio Domenico Rossi. The architect changed the South wing and partially attached to the interior of the Baroque style. Subsequently, in the eighteenth century almost all the furniture was changed to the Rococo style.

After the outbreak of the Second world war, the German government has developed a plan for "the Giant", which involved the construction of underground industrial enterprises. Ksiaz castle geographically was included in the project, so the interior was damaged during work on the construction of underground floors at a depth of 50 meters. In 1945 the building was looted by Soviet soldiers.

Currently Ksiaz castle is part of the popular tourist route "Piast Castles". The administration involved in its restoration.

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