The Village Gradec Photo: Village In Hradec

The village Gradec is located in the South-Western part of Bulgaria, in the community of the Boiler, Sliven region. According to historians, the village was formed after the conquest of Bulgaria by the Turks. Refugees were leaving the cities and this resulted in many new villages.

Often the names of the towns and villages in the area associated with the names of ancient castles or other structures that once was here to protect the territory from the enemies. The toponym "Hradec" refers to the name of the fortress ""Gradishteto "" or "Kaleto", which is located on top of a hill 60 meters from the river.

The village is characterized by its unique architecture: the buildings designed in the Renaissance style. The old wooden houses and cosy cobbled streets form a sort of open air Museum, which presents many architectural masterpieces. Here is the first in Bulgaria rural library "Hope", founded in 1869.

Walking around will also give visitors the village a lot of pleasant experiences. Beautiful landscape, rising above the distant outlines of the mountains – all imbued with the spirit of romance and old legends. Still standing walls of the Roman fortress located in a strategically important location. At the bottom of the river Luda Kamchia, which make you feel cool in hot summer days.

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