Krzywy domek Photo: krzywy domek

Krzywy domek – the building is an unusual shape, built in 2004 in Sopot. Crooked little house is a modern symbol of the city, the center of entertainment and Commerce. The building was included in the 50 most unusual homes in the world (according to the portal "The village of joy").

The idea of construction of such buildings was born in 2001, the architects Satinskogo and Zalewski. Soon the project was approved, and three years later the building was inaugurated in the city center on bohaterów Monte Cassino street. Architects recognised that drew inspiration from the works of artists of the Pen Oscar Dahlberg and Jan Marcin & shantser.

Crooked little house is situated on 4000 square meters and is part of a modern trade centre "Resident". Here are located the offices of two city radio stations, a restaurant, retail space and a video arcade. The building has its Wall of fame is sort of like American walk of Fame. Each honored guest who visited the crooked house, leaves on the Wall of his signature.

Currently Curve house is not only a business centre, which houses offices of various companies, but also a vibrant tourist attraction in Sopot.

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