Exhibition hall Kronid Gogolev Photo: Exhibition hall Kronid Gogolev

Kronid Gogolev Aleksandrovich is almost the only wizard in the whole of Russia in the field of relief carving. He wears the proud title of people's artist of Russia, honored worker of art and culture of Russia, Laureate of State prize of Russia.

Paintings, carved out of wood devoted to Karelia, as well as hometown has Sorbital Ladoga and severe nature. In addition, there are illustrations of the Karelian epos "Kalevala". Most of the works of famous masters is dedicated to the life of the people of the North of the village with the extraordinary beauty of life and wisdom, way of life, formed from centuries-old traditions and daily activities. Also, the artist carves everyday objects, for example, frames for clocks, candlesticks, lamps and various fairy-tale characters.

Kronid Alexandrovich was born on 13 July 1926 in the Novgorod region in the family of a former priest. In Greek Kronid means "Zeus". In the 16 years young boy came to the front, participating in the battles for the liberation of Estonia, East Prussia, Poland and the Leningrad region. The war for him was over in Germany. Kronid was injured and even wounded, for which he received many military awards.

In 1953 Gogoleva took in the Leningrad art and graphics teachers College. Acquiring a great College teacher training, he went to Karelia. During 4 years he worked in the village of castanha, but soon moved to the city of Sortavala. Apart from the main work, the celebrated master taught lessons in the school and Studio of Amateur artists, and also studied at the correspondence Department of the Leningrad pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen.

In September 1967 Kronid Gogolev organized children's school of art that glorified the city of Sortavala, as well as its outstanding and talented Directors around the country. Possessing a wonderful gift of the teacher, Kronid Aleksandrovich taught at the school for over 20 years. As a talented original artist, which is intensively developed the tradition of folk art, Gogolev began to talk back in 1984 after in Moscow were two of his exhibitions. Many experts felt that at this point has truly been a resurgence of the lost achievements of the Russian school of woodcarving, but in a new, more complete level.

In 1985 Kronid Gogolev Aleksandrovich became an honorary member of the USSR Union of artists. From this moment all his works were exhibited at the exhibitions not only in our country but also abroad.

Each work created by the hands of the master, has its own unique features. All artworks are of special observation and anxious attitude to everything that nature created. Gogol knows how masterfully and skillfully use the plastic, all the warmth of the wood and texture, highlighting the natural power of deep layered reliefs of alder and lime. The largest number of paintings, carved by the hands of a master, seem literally "voiced" in their topics can leisurely to hear people whispering and fairy-tale characters, as well as to observe the peaceful lapping of the waves, to feel the unsurpassed flavor of the pine forest, as well as to hear a sailing wind noise in the fishing boats.

In the works miraculously passed the human relationship with nature and close attention to detail and trivia. Through his works Gogolev opens the viewer a beautiful spiritual image of the Northern peoples, subtle perception of urban and rural life in the province. A craftsman of wooden architecture strives as much as possible to convey your innermost feelings, creating a comprehensive, open, deep song that so clearly highlight not only the depth but also the importance of every second of human life.

Many people have the talent of knowing the world in feelings, but few can recreate this perception in his work. Kronid Alexandrovich Gogol is one of those unique people, under whose hands the pieces of wood come to life and sing, and this song especially sincere and genuine, because it comes from the heart.

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