Stavropol state historical and cultural and natural landscape Museum-reserve Photo: Stavropol state historical and cultural and natural landscape Museum-reserve

State historical-cultural and natural landscape Museum-reserve is located in the old part of Stavropol, in a former shopping arcade building, built in 1873, the building that houses the Museum and today it is a monument of architecture, designed by architect P. K. Nikiforov.

The Museum-reserve was founded in February 1905 as a Museum of local history profile of the North Caucasus. The centerpiece of ethnographic and archaeological collection of the famous Russian scientist and public figure G. N. Prozriteleva. In parallel with the local history Museum was established city Museum educational visual AIDS thanks to the initiative of a public figure, notary public city Council G. K. prave. In 1927 the Museum educational visual AIDS and the Museum of Northern Caucasus merged into one institution, after which the Museum was renamed the Stavropol state Museum-reserve named after G. K. Law and G. N. Prozriteleva.

The Museum collection is diverse and reflects its history. Overall, the Museum has more than 300 thousand Museum exhibits. The main exhibition is presented in three halls: nature, archaeology and Ethnography. The most interesting and valuable palaeontological collection, which presents a unique skeletons southern elephant, Rhino-elastomere and a whale-cetatenie. Great scientific interest in the field of natural history are of Zoological, Botanical, entomological and mineralogical collection of the Museum.

Significant place in the Museum and archaeological collection, where a collection of weapons. About 40% of the funds of the Museum is the photo documentary archive, which is depicted in detail the history of the region in the XX

The composition of the Stavropol Museum-reserve includes: art gallery of landscapes Grechishkina P. M.; Museum-estate of V. I. Smirnov with memorial of K. L. Khetagurov; Museum of the history of the Cossacks, natural and archaeological Museum-reserve "Tatar settlement".

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