Stavropol touchstream Photo: Stavropol touchstream

Stavropol touchstream is a wildlife Museum, located in the city, in a building that is an architectural monument of history and culture. It was here in 1868 - 1870 resided Russian revolutionary, political figure, G. A. Lopatin.

Open touchstream took place in 1998, the Main purpose of his discoveries was the environmental education of local residents, the reproduction of rare animals and the environment.

Among the Pets of the Stavropol regional touchstream different kinds of reptiles that are contained in glass terrariums review type. All terrariums rectangular form, decorated with mirrors, different artificial materials and decorations, making them look even more voluminous. In addition, near each terrarium has an informative note about the animal. In total the Museum has 30 terrariums and 13 large aquariums with fish.

In the Exotarium have their music submitted by the sounds of the wild jungle of the Amazon. The exhibition hall is dark, lit only terrariums. There are also a variety of exotic animals, birds, fish, insects and reptiles collected in different parts of the world.

In the Stavropol regional touchstream are interesting excursions for adults and children, and opened a school club "Young naturalist".

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