Stavropol zoo Photo: Stavropol zoo

Stavropol zoo is one of the main attractions of the city. He is the only stationary zoo in the province. The zoo is located in the southwestern part of the city, in beautiful Victory Park. For many local residents going here has become a family tradition.

The existence of the zoo began in 1988, More than twenty years he worked as a member of the consumer society "Stavropol parks of culture and rest". But since August 2011, the zoo is an independent formation. There is a zoo at full cost recovery. Earned money go to support the animals and replenishment of the zoo.

Stavropol zoo begins with the selected forest areas where Pets feel at home. Each animal has its own large area. Immediately after the entrance to the zoo you can see a beautifully decorated cages, a little further is the beautiful pond with swans, ducks and pelicans. Left of the main entrance is the Exotarium with different snakes, lizards, turtles and crocodiles.

Today in Stavropol zoo home to 112 residents. It's a brown bear, a leopard, a pair of lions, European fallow deer, wild boar, camel, wolf, lynx, yaks, pelicans, peacocks, ostriches and many other fauna.

At the zoo there and places to stay, and places for entertainment. Here set of benches, sitting on which you can admire the animals. It is always cool, because the zoo is located in the forest itself. Throughout the year the Stavropol zoo is visited by more than 24 thousand people.

A couple of years ago the zoo was running a Trustee of an animal", according to the rules which anyone can choose their favourite animal and sign the financial agreement, made on the basis of calculations of annual maintenance of the ward. After signing the agreement, the Trustee is given a certificate of appreciation and a document stating that he is a member of the club guardians of the zoo.

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