Town hall square Photo: town hall square

Central location in the city of Tartu is the city hall square, built in a classical style and has a trapezoid shape. Throughout the history of the city area was represented by its center. It was originally a trading place that combines situated on a hill of the settlement adjacent to the river emajõgi port. In this status the town hall square has existed for several centuries.

In the middle ages here was built the site of city government – city hall. The town hall, which we can see now is the third on this site. Despite the fact that Tartu is an ancient city, many of the buildings date from the late 18th century. The reason is - famous Tartu fire in 1775 destroyed almost the entire city centre. It was after this incident, virtually re-built the city came into view, which we can observe in our day.

Town hall square in different ages was called differently. It was originally a trade or Fairgrounds. When markets became more town hall square became known as a Big market. During the German occupation there was a square of Adolf Hitler, then the size of the Boards, but since 1990 it became the town hall.

During the last war destroyed almost all the buildings on the South side of the town square, including a Stone bridge with two triumphal arches. One of the arches of the bridge was blown up in the summer of 1941 the red army, and in 1944, German forces finally destroyed the bridge during the retreat. In both cases, a natural water barrier delayed coming for a while.

Thanks to the Swedish judicial process period is known which buildings surrounded the area in the 17th century. Before the town hall began to build the infamous esecuzioni post, but one of the members of the Council was against the pillar stood under his Windows. His complaints reached the king. Typical of medieval cities was that the buildings were standing butt to square. The same planning and was on the town hall square in Tartu.

One of the important symbols of the city is the town hall, located on the square, which was designed in 1789. To the right of the town hall with house No. 2 begins the row of houses North side of the square. On the corner attracts the attention of the drain, made in the form of dragon heads. This decorative wrought iron detail can be found in different parts of the city. Another interesting detail – stukova garland, made in the Rococo style around the window above the main portal from the town hall. In this house no 4 are restaurant and hotel "Dragon".

In the house № 6 on the corner of rüütli street is a dental clinic and a jewelry store. This house, which is the first building donated to the University by Alexander I, a long time called the old University. Previously, there were various offices, classes conducted, also lived here many teachers.

In the house No. 8, designed as the town hall, the architect Walter in 1781-1792., in a new time lived and worked the famous Estonian artist, including landscape painter Konrad mägi, there is a memorial plaque on the wall. Today there also were art store and gallery.

Houses on the town square belonged to rich people. The most representative building is the 16th, which is reminiscent of a University building. Indeed, the house was built in 1797-1804, one of the projects Krause for the University. This building, acquired in the late 19th century, has 30 rooms, big hall and retail space. Before the first world war the house was rebuilt and completed. Throughout its history, the building housed different clubs, restaurant, cultural institutions, bookstore, Bank.

Tartu has a "leaning tower" is a rickety house No. 18, or Barclay house, in which the field-Marshal, as you know, not lived, although a memorial plaque on the wall of a building and says the opposite. This house, built in the early 19th century, was bought by Princess Barclay after the death of her husband. As the house of Tartu was built on peat soil of the river valley, in present there is a need to strengthen most of the foundations. The building of the Barclay looked for exactly this reason, and although the slope of the house is preserved, floors and flows inside the building leveled. This house is a branch of Tartu art Museum with a permanent exhibition of contemporary art of Estonia, also hosts temporary exhibitions.

During the second world war, the southern part of the town hall square was burned. It was rebuilt again using the ruins. Only the house No. 3 was restored in its previous form, though, and added 1 extra floor. The building formerly belonged to the genus Lowenstern. Was greeted and treated to rides of heads of state and other important people, now building at the disposal of the city Council.

Fountain located in the square in front of city hall, built in the postwar years. But not so long ago was rebuilt and enlarged sculpture depicting kissing under the umbrella of the students. It made the master Mati Karmin. One day he took a picture of his nephew, who kissed a girl in the rain. This shot was the prototype of the sculpture.

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