The Church of Apostle Peter and Tabitha Photo: Church of St. Peter and Tabitha

Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Tabitha belongs to the Russian ecclesiastical mission in Jerusalem (Moscow Patriarchate). The Church's bell tower is one of the highest points of Jaffa.

In the Church – two altars: the Central one is dedicated to honest chains of St. Peter's chains, which the Apostle was constrained during arrests), in the left aisle is a righteous Tabitha. The two name associated with a touching episode that is described in the acts of the apostles".

In Jaffa (or, as then in Greek sounded the name of the city, Joppa), lived a virtuous Christian woman, Tabitha, who created a lot of charity. It so happened that she fell ill and died. In the Christian community in Joppa knew the Apostle Peter, who became famous for miraculous healings, was in these days in a nearby town. Immediately sent for him. Appearing Peter put them all forth" out of the chamber where lay the body of the deceased, and, having prayed, they said, "Tabitha! Stand up! ". "And she opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up" (acts 9:40).

The plot, which is the Church, since ancient times was called "Two lane Tabitha". Tradition for centuries associated this place with life and death of the righteous (although the different Christian traditions interpret this question differently). In 1868 stony land bought man of striking energy and Outlook, the head of the Russian ecclesiastical mission Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin). He built a hospice for pilgrims from Russia, lush planted an orchard, has received the permission of the Turkish authorities to build a Church. She was laid in 1888, the ceremony was attended by the Grand Dukes Sergei and Pavel Alexander and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna.

Designed the Church was with the direct participation of Archimandrite Antonin, who studied the Greek-Byzantine architecture. Perhaps, therefore, in the proportions and shapes of the dome of the temple is clearly influenced by Byzantine architecture. The construction involved the Italian and local craftsmen, icons gratis wrote a graduate of the Imperial Academy of arts Anton Ledkov. All white bunk iconostasis was a gift from the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian society built the temple. A special place in the iconostasis is located to the left of the icon of the Mother of God, the patronal image of St. Tabitha. On the walls – paintings, representing scenes from the life of the Apostle Peter.

A great scholar, Archimandrite Antonin was engaged in the Holy Land also fruitful archeological investigations. During excavations in the garden of the farmstead him together with the Jerusalem architect Conrad Schick was able to detect the tomb with well-preserved Byzantine mosaics of the V–VI centuries. Archimandrite was convinced that this is the real tomb of Tabitha. Later, above the tomb was built a chapel. Also on the "Russian land" in Jaffa outdoors is a large and very beautiful mosaic icon of St. Tabitha.

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