Staniscia mountain Photo: Staniscia mountain

Staniscia mountains is a mountain chain in Central and southern Sicily, stretching between Palermo and Agrigento. The same name – Monty Sikani – wears several settlements located on the territory.

Staniscia mountains are composed of clay and Sandstone, which for many hundreds of years used as pastures, but directly mountainous areas, rising to 900 metres above sea level, are limestone rocks, formed in the Mesozoic era. The highest peaks Sickan Rocca Busambra (1613 m) and Monte Cammarata (over 1500 meters).

Someone can say that some mountains and mountain ranges of Sicily is much more scenic than others. For example, Etna is the highest peak of the island and is the largest active volcano of Europe. Can recall the acute and forested peaks Nebrodi, jagged peaks of the Madonie and Peloritana mountains, stretching from Catania to Messina between Etna and the Ionian coast. Staniscia same mountains, along with the Hyblaean, usually stay away from the attention of tourists. However, these mythical peaks deserve a closer look – according to ancient legend, it is here unfolded the legend of Icarus and Daedalus.

Limited Ficuzza to the North, Caltanissetta in the East, Salemi in the West and Agrigento in the South, Staniscia mountains are closely associated with the ancient people of zikanov, the first inhabitants of Sicily. When the island came the Phoenicians and Greeks, sicani already inhabit this small area in the southern part.

The highest peaks Sickan, as mentioned above, Rocca Busambra and Monte Cammarata. The latter appears to be slightly higher thanks to its surrounding valleys. Both peaks until the end of February may be snow-covered. Within the mountain range is crossed by several streams, the most famous of which is Platani – the ancient Greeks called it Halikos. In those times it was navigable and did not dry up even during the hottest summer months.

Except for the slopes of the highest peaks and several protected areas, Sicani not be called wooded, although in the era of Ancient Greece here grew great forests. The process of deforestation took a record short time, perhaps only a few dozen years. In the 19th century it was one of the major areas for extraction of sulphur in Sicily. The miners had drilled limestone rock to extract precious metal and in some places this has led to the complete destruction of landscapes and the destruction of natural ecosystems.

A large part Stanisci mountains have long been cultivated by man for agricultural purposes. When the Romans called Sicily the granary of his expanding Empire, they spoke primarily about territory Sickan. The first permanent towns were founded in the period of the domination of the Arabs: from the ports of Agrigento and Sciacca easy access to Tunisia, the outlines of which are visible in good weather from the high coastal hills. In the 13th century on the territory Stanisci mountains began to spread feudalism, mercilessly exploited the local population. Industry mining sulphur at mines which servitude labored very young boys, is the most striking demonstration of this process.

It is widely believed that the famous mafia first appeared in this part of Sicily, but not in response to the feudal oppression, but because wealthy landowners who lived on his estates, was entrusted the management of their vast possessions hated "rabellotti", cruel and corrupt overseers, prone to theft and murder. Until 1812, the buyers of land in Stanah could get the honorary title – so many rabellotti steel barons within two decades. Nowhere are these upstarts are not despised as much as Sukanah.

Between 1890 and 1925 overcrowded city Stanisci mountains have become the main "supplier" of immigrants. And today the province of Agrigento and Caltanissetta are considered the poorest in Italy. And yet, this region has a special charm and keeps its traditions.

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