Lagoa Photo: Lagoa

Lagoa is a municipality on the island of são Miguel, with a population of about 15,000 people. Lagoa is located East of Ponta Delgada, the largest city and the largest port of the Azores. In the Eastern part of the municipality is mountainous, most of which is forested. The remaining land of the municipality is used for agricultural purposes.

Territory Lagoa was settled immediately after the island of são Miguel appeared first colonists. The municipality consists of 5 districts: Agua de Pau, Kaboko, Nossa Senhora do Rosário, Ribeira Shang and Santa Cruz. The first settlement of the municipality was concentrated near the Bay, which was called the Port dash, Carneiros. The houses were mostly built near the Church of Santa Cruz, near which there was a lake, now it's drying. In the fifteenth century continued development of the island, and the colonists continued to populate the earth. The port became a place of active fishing. To 1515 have been built about 100 houses.

In 1522 Lagoa became the administrative center, the number of homes reached 300, and the population was about 1000 people. At that time in Lagoa grown wheat, wine was produced, and grown Vida dye, which was used as a natural blue dye. The community prospered, and in the nineteenth century, Lagoa was a successful center of ceramics production and distillation of alcohol, and later built a factory for the production of vegetable oil, soap and animal feed. By the end of the twentieth century, the service sector began to occupy a dominant place in the economy of the municipality.

The coastal area of Ponta da Galera is a protected area due to the large number of shallow caves, endemic plants, marine environment and endangered species of flora and fauna. Among the architectural structures it is worth noting the building of the parish Church of Nossa Senhora DOS Anjos, the Franciscan monastery, the chapel of são Pedro, são Tiago. Tourists are attracted by the mild climate and the opportunity to swim in the clear waters near the port, Maritime territory which has the international Blue flag certificate environmental frequency the beach.

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