Castle Menard Photo: Castle Menard

Castle Menard stands on the banks of the Loire river and is located in the French Department of Loir-and-cher. The castle was built in 1646 by Guillaume Sharrona, the king's Advisor and is responsible for recruitment in the Thirty years war. First castle consisted of a main building and two pavilions, but in 1669, the son of Sharona – Jean-Jacques, member of the French Parliament, were added two wings. In 1675 Charron received the title of Marquis, and his possessions were further increased.

In 1760 the castle Menard has become the favourite of king Louis XV Madame de Pompadour, paying about one million French livres and sold several of their pearl jewelry.

The restructuring of the castle worked the first architect of the French court – ange-Jacques Gabriel. Instead of the pavilions of the seventeenth century, he built two new wings, with updated roof in "Italian" style, that the lock didn't look so monotonous. In the courtyard were erected two other pavilion: in the right - Pavilion Hours, connected underground passage to the main building of the castle, was the kitchen, and in the left - Meridian Pavilion caretaker lived. Madame de Pompadour died in 1764, and the castle Menard passed to her brother, the Marquis de Marigny. It is also restoration works were carried out, which increased the size of the castle.

In 1830 the castle Menard opened the likeliness of a College intended for young people of different classes and nationalities. The huge building at the time, located in the Eastern part of the courtyard, partially preserved, as well as a small gas station nearby.

Part of the castle, built in the XVII century, are simple and even with some austerity, as opposed to the more modern spaces, attached with Madame de Pompadour and her brother. The main building of the castle Menard consists of three parts – the old great hall, bedroom and living room and halls on the ground floor were in 1912 combined into one large gallery. In the living room, located to the right of the great hall, immediately catch the eye decoration of the eighteenth century, is an elegant woodwork, and shelves with mirrors above the fireplace. Stone staircase and decoration with mahogany in the library on the second floor were made when the Marquis de Marigny, brother of Madame de Pompadour.

Jean-Jacques Cartwright in the second half of the seventeenth century broke English landscape Park around the castle Menard, decorated lawns and canals. Along the two alleys were planted elms. When Marquis de Marigny in the Park was a artificial grotto, and in the former English lawn was broken by a huge terrace with sculptures. From the Park there is a beautiful view of the Loire river.

Between the castle and the orangery is the rotunda of Abundance where there has been a sculpture symbolizing Abundance. Now it houses a copy of the Venus de Medici, made in the XVI-XVII centuries.

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