Skutec Photo: Skutec

Moravian city Skutec, world famous for its Shoe factories and enterprises for extraction and processing of local granite, is interesting primarily for its craft traditions, although they are carefully shown to all visitors, for example, in the local "Shoe Museum", but also monuments of architecture and history. In Scotece born and raised many famous people, including composers, sculptors, scientists. For example, every local resident will tell you that the city is native to V. J. Tomasek – famous author's works for piano and teacher.

On the site of the present city, according to archaeologists, there were several stone age settlements. Scientists are still found in the vicinity of the city old tools and jewelry.

For the first time about the village Skutec mentioned in 1289. In those days it was a small village, whose inhabitants were engaged in various crafts. As Skutec was founded near a trade route, then began to stop travellers, and therefore, the village began to prosper. Town status was granted Scotece in the early fourteenth century.

The thirty years ' war was a real shock for the locals. Their home burned several times, had to rebuild all over again. The last big fire, which affected a quarter occurred in Scotece in 1867.

The main attraction of the city is the city Museum, which opened in the home of the composer V. Novak. In the mansion, the birthplace of V. I. Tomasek, opened a permanent exhibition dedicated to his life and work.

Daily services are conducted in the main temple Skytech – the Church of the assumption of the virgin, built in a Gothic manner. To visit this Church during worship.

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