Knyazhpogost district historical Museum Photo: Knyazhpogost district historical Museum

Knyazhpogost regional local history Museum located in the town of Emba programs. It was created on the basis of the public Museum operating since 1969 in the district House of culture. October 25, 1972 approved the opening of the national Museum, which was managed by the public Council, headed by the Director of house of culture S. A. Baranov. The Museum is housed in two wooden panel houses.

In July 1989, the district Museum occupied the former building of the military Commissariat, located on Dzerzhinsky street, building 74 building (built in the early 1940-ies), where he is located now. In July 1990, the Museum acquired the status of a public institution. Today its collections include more than 7, 5 thousand exhibits.

The emblem of the Museum – salt shaker-duck, made at the turn of 19-20 centuries. The salt shaker is made of birch growth-cap, it has a cover-latch, the top is covered with linseed oil. In the past, such shakers-ducks were an essential element of wedding Komi rite. On the wedding day the bride is carried away from your home the salt-duck, carved by her father or uncle on the maternal side. The figure ducks represented the personification of the parental blessing, but also a symbol of family happiness.

The main tasks of historical Museum is to collect, preserve, exhibit and promote the history and culture of his native land. In the hall dedicated to the culture and life of the Komi people, the exhibits telling about the life of the Komi people in 18-20 centuries. All exhibited the exhibits were collected by Museum staff in the villages Knyazhpogost area. Wooden plow, disc harrow, manual Burr, sickle, scythe-pink salmon show the development in these areas of agriculture. Here you can also see the samovars, various bottles, irons, fabric boxes, which were sold in stores and vending stalls. In the section devoted to fishing and hunting: fish traps, skis, clothes hunter, spear at the bear.

Visitors of the next room can see different kinds of dishes from birch bark and wood, clay and copper, antique construction tools, Komi people's clothes. In addition, one can see how the loom, and why in ancient times was "svetec" in the house.

The exposition telling about the nature of the area, presents scenes from the life of forest dwellers, which consists of stuffed birds and animals, rocks. Here you can also see a collection of butterflies and insects that live in these places. Part of the exhibition are photographs in which the surroundings Knyazhpogost area. A separate section of the exhibition is associated with protected areas, which in Knyazhpogost district has 16. Of special interest this exhibition presents for children, because it is built like actually being in a real live forest.

In the exposition "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" tells about the fate countrymen, who have passed the Second World war. Respect for their lives and the heroism permeated every section of this exposition. Here visitors get acquainted with fellow countrymen, who made their edge, receiving the title of hero of the Soviet Union – in Knyazhpogost district four: Davidovich N. P., Gushchin N. F., Safronov P. S., Nikishin, M. D., women toilers in the rear.

The Museum also has an exhibition about the famous fellow-immigrants from Knyazhpogost area called "the Golden gallery countrymen." A special place in Knyazhpogost district museums – exhibition hall dedicated to Pitirim Alexandrovich Sorokin – famous scientist-sociologist, author of many scientific papers, born in the village of Tura Knyazhpogost area.

The Museum also has an exhibition of interest to adults and children. It presents models of ships, which reduced copies of such famous ships as "Kathy Clark", etc.

In addition to exhibition activities, the Museum organizes thematic educational activities, regional meetings, scientific-practical conferences and more.

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