The INTA local history Museum Photo: INTA local history Museum

The INTA local history Museum is located in the city of INTA on the street Kuratov, 28. Local history Museum in INTA was founded in 1969. In 1971 he became a branch of the national historical Museum. In 1992, the Museum officially became an independent institution. The initiator of creation and the first Director of the Museum became a historian and ethnographer Malofeeva L. N.

Today, the Museum includes an exhibit and stock complex, as well as historical and folklore Museum of the village of Petrun and historical memorial complex in the village of abuse.In stock complex includes several repositories, including special Deposit, reserve storage, quarantine room, library with a reading room, scientific archive, a restoration workshop, a lecture hall.

The rarest archaeological exhibits are findings relevant to the I-III centuries B. C.): the mirror and rings, bronze pendants, which were found during expeditions in 2001 and 2003 near lake Pozemky.

Of great interest to visitors are the exhibits of paleontology collection, which consists of materials on paleoflora and paleofauna upper Paleozoic era, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.

Large collection from the collections of the Museum of the city of INTA also describes the history of this area. First of all, the visitor's attention is attracted personal archives: critic NN Punina, philosopher L. Karsavin, screenwriters Y. Dong and B. Frieda, the scientist-metalloved Feshchenko-Copyscape and other famous people. Historical value of the collection of old photos of the city, presents the author's collections of Bludau, Porotikov, Ivanova.

The Museum also houses a collection of products of bone, suede, fur, leather, both modern and ancient, which characterize Komi national crafts, collection of items relating to the work of miners.

The Museum also features a collection of works of art, consisting of paintings by Amateur and professional artists. The great interest in this collection are: drawings and watercolors Vitaly Trofimov, paintings, Engels Kozlov, the work of artists-prisoners of the Gulag.

In the INTA local history Museum has seven exhibition halls, which are connected in a ring. The exhibits tell about the climatic conditions of the area, periods and ways of its settlement, the predominant occupations of the population of these places, their cultures from the earliest times to the present, social and political transformations in these places, the tragic history of the region, associated with the times of repression.

In one of the expositions of the Museum called "the City of destiny" presents the history of the city, which is revealed through the fate of specific, significant for INTA personalities.

The Museum exposition tells about the industrial exploitation of local coal deposits. This is a sort of Museum in the Museum. It's called "Museum of coal." This is the only Museum of its kind in the Republic of Komi. It was created in 2001, its opening was timed to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of our company, "intpol". In the coal Museum presents photographs, documents, models of mining machinery, tools, services, and equipment and protective clothing, i.e., all helping to recreate the process of razgadyvaniya coal reserves INTA district, construction, exploitation of local mines. Specifically for the Museum, built in full size different kinds of mounts mine workings.

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