The Museum of fine arts in the Episcopal Palace Photo: Museum of fine arts in the Episcopal Palace

The Museum of fine arts in tours is not only famous for its collection of paintings, including works by Rubens, Rembrandt, Delacroix, Degas and other masters. The Museum is located in one of the most beautiful historic buildings Tour – the Episcopal Palace, a recognized example of the classical style. In the yard is growing cedar of Lebanon, planted under Napoleon, it is possible to see fragments of the Roman amphitheatre, and in the showcase of the Museum's stuffed elephant, which in the nineteenth century was so loved by the inhabitants of the Tour that they literally decided to immortalize it.

A large part of the Palace complex was built in 60-ies of the XVIII century. The Museum was opened in 1910, and before that, the Palace housed a theatre, a school, a warehouse. At the end of the eighteenth century it has opened an art gallery, but lasted there for long, as the Palace again became the property of the Church. The founder of the first gallery was Charles-Antoine Gun.

The basis of the Museum collection private collection, which was purchased by the municipality with the participation of wealthy citizens. It was the works of several monasteries – Marmoutier, La riche, Bourgueil, as well as churches and castles. Today in the Museum you can see paintings, Dating from the period from the XIV to the XX century. Stored in the Museum paintings belong to the Flemish, Italian and French schools of painting.

Particularly valuable paintings two paintings called Mantegna's "Resurrection" and "the agony in the garden", written in the mid-fifteenth century, the picture of Rembrandt's "Escape to Egypt" (the first half of the XVII century) and the work of Rubens Mars, coronoary Venus". You can also see the sketch to the portrait of Balzac's work Louis Boulanger, the drawings of Ingres and the works of other artists.

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