Police glacier Photo: Police glacier

Police glacier, located in North Ossetia on the territory of ski resort, This is one of the greatest and low descending glaciers in the Caucasus. Down the glacier to a height of 2200 meters above sea level. Long Tsei glacier together with firn fields stretches for 9 km and its total area is - 9, 7 sq. km. the Main source of his power - the snow mountain Aday-Hoch.

At the bottom of the glacier is quite narrow, and at the height expands to a width of 1 km, Constrained by cliffs, valley glacier forms a countless number of cracks, and also has several icefalls. Above the surface again becomes smoother.

Police glacier is formed from two smaller and two larger branches. Of ice arch of valley glacier flows the beautiful river tseya (Tseydon), flowing from West to East through scenic deep ravine, covered with pine forests. River flows into Ardon from the left side.

Near Police of the glacier are tourist base "Ossetia", climbing camps, hotel "Horny goat weed", a weather station and research station NCMI. To Police the glacier was laid two cable car.

Located 9 km from the tourist complex glacier welcomes its visitors crystal grotto, which resembles a fairy tale, and then leads along the mighty covered the six-kilometer stone "language" cracks, babbling Brooks circus to the North. After the retreat of the last glacier, about language has grown a lot of young trees.

To the grotto are two trails: the "top" is more complicated, it passes through a pine forest on the left Bank of the river Tseydon, in some places approaching the vertical, smooth walls of the ridge and displays the striking beauty and grandeur Police glacier, visible from above, as well as more than a simple "bottom" that goes on the bottom of the gorge, crossing the clear streams and rivers.

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