The Museum of A. S. Khomyakov in the estate of Bogucharovo Photo: Museum of A. S. Khomyakov in the estate of Bogucharovo

History and art Museum named after A. S. Khomyakov is located in the village of Oktyabrsky. He is dedicated to the life of the famous Russian philosopher, theologian, philosopher, essayist, poet and founder of Slavophilism, Alexei Stepanovich Khomyakov.

"Bogucharovo represents the only estate of the family of rodent order, which has been preserved in its original form. But the revolutionary events of forever ripped possessory relations of this kind with the estate owned by five generations of the rodent order.

The exact date of the opening of the Museum in Bogucharovo not known. But we know that in 1919, the Museum existed. The Museum was a Museum of culture and life of the first half of the 19th century the Most valuable exhibits of the Museum belonged to this period and were connected with the history of the Slavophile circle. In the Museum collection included portraits of the family rodent order and figures 1830-1840

Memorial Foundation Museum eventually began to be overshadowed, not attach much importance to the history of culture, and especially material and consumer culture. The Museum occupied the Northern part of the manor house — the one where once lived Alex Stepanovich.

The first four years of existence, the Museum's fate did F. A. andré. But on 31 March 1923 andré F. A. was arrested by the provincial investigation. The property of a Museum in 1924 were moved to Tula. Bogucharovskaya Museum ceased to exist. Most of the collections of the Museum were in Moscow, in the historical Museum.

The fate of the library of Bogucharovo not so prosperous. She left the Historical Museum in 1938 with a selection of his public historical library, where he lost. A small part of the material remained in Tula, something in Theme. In 1995 the estate "Bogucharovo" received the status of a cultural and historical heritage Federal level.

In 1996, in the village of October was opened on cultural and educational center A. S. Khomyakov, located in the ancestral house of the estate in the rodent order Bogucharovo. The main focus of his work was the organization of the celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of A. S. Khomyakov and the creation Museum Bogucharovo". For this, a genealogy of A. S. Khomyakov, are formed funds, and establish connections with the descendants of rodent order, as well as regional organizations, stakeholders.

It was not easy to access the Church of the visitation, which is part of the architectural ensemble of the estate. For a long time she was not acting in her state farm was located warehouse.

In 1996, held its first "Homyakovsky reading", where they invited the descendants Khomyakova – granddaughter of A. Shatilov from the United States, Kalishevich – from the UK. Gradually the estate rodent order began its revival. Turned around sightseeing activities. For eight years, cultural and educational center took an active part in the organization of a traditional folk festival. This event is arranged annually on the birthday of A. S. Khomyakov, may 13. Accumulated materials relating to the life and work of Khomyakov, and the increase in funds contributed to the creation of art-Historical Museum of A. S. Khomyakov Status of the Museum was acquired in 2005, This is the day of creation of the Museum and Renaissance manor Khomyakov.

Today the Museum offers to its visitors: a tour of the estate of A. S. Khomyakov, themed tours of the architectural-Park complex, the exhibition of paintings by E. V. Shurupova and I. M. Putyatin, familiarity with the genealogical tree of the genus of rodent order. In the historical and art Museum hosts lectures telling about Khomyakova as the founder of the Slavophilism and his creative personality, history Museum of A. S. Khomyakov, the history of the Park estate Bogucharovo", about the structure and image of the Russian provincial houses from the 19th century on the example hematoscope estates, Khomyakova E. M. (Language) as the Keeper of the family hearth. Also there are interactive classes for students in grades 2-11.

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