The Hotel Galiani Photo: Hotel Galiani

The galyani hotel is a historical monument in the city centre, on crossing of streets of Volodarsky and Pushkin. The hotel building is one of the most magnificent stone buildings of Tver, in the style of classicism. Two-storey volume with ravnovesie wings, which are associated with transitions, forms a spectacular facade composition, leaving the red line one of the main streets of the city. Brick walls plastered building, and facade decoration and veneer base is made of white stone.

The hotel was built Russified Italian Galiani Paul Dement'evich on the spot acquired a wooden house in the late 18th-early 19th centuries. In 1803-1805, he was stone built two-storey house with single storey stone outbuilding adjacent to the building on the North side. Construction of two-story wings, and their connection with the main building transitions, probably belongs to the years 1814-1815. Both floors Galiani offered for rent. Then Paul Dement'evich had it converted into a hotel. Together with the hotel was built a tavern, a restaurant and a hall for entertainments". By this time the house from the yard was surrounded by a gallery, on the Eastern and Northern boundaries of ownership were built barn, stable, cellar.

The hotel Galiani for a long time was considered the best in Tver. Here in the years 1826-1836 not once stayed the A. S. Pushkin, in 1826 the poet mentions her in his poetical Epistle to Sobolevski in a joking manner. In 1859 there from August to December of F. M. Dostoevsky lived after his return from military service in Semipalatinsk and finished the manuscript of “the Village Stepanchikovo”, "the Uncle's dream", “Notes from the Dead house. Many of his impressions which he received in Tver, they were reflected in the novel "the possessed".

After the death of Galiani to manage the hotel went to his widow, Charlotte Ivanovna. But in the early 1860s, the hotel for debt was sold to a merchant Bobrov, Ivan Dmitrievich, who changed the appearance of the building, combining house with wings, rasteau Windows and removing two columns in the portico. In the early 20th century as a result of the reconstruction of the building, along with outhouses and outbuildings were included in a large body of U-shaped form. South wooden outbuilding was demolished.

Before the revolution the house was owned by the Tver branch of St. Petersburg-Tula Bank, which moved in the early 1890s, and then there was a private girls ' school, since 1947, teachers College, music school and residential apartments, and since 1993 this is the Legion, which was the reconstruction of the building and restored it to its original architectural form. Restoration of the building was carried out by architect G. P. Lebedeva, based on the drawing of 1858. Was restored South wing, where the restored passages and transitions. During the reconstruction of the courtyard were restored brick buildings covered with a glass roof.

The composition of the main facade of the former Galiani consists of a main volume with a four-columned portico at the second floor level, transitions with a gate, two two-story wings. Central avant-corps, which at the bottom is cut three deep arches of the Windows and entrance, gable ends in the eaves with large muthusami. Under the Windows of the first floor and over bridges are the panels above the Windows of the second floor – shelves. Over narrow the crowning cornice is an attic, which cut recumbent attic window. The decor is complemented by floor cornice and shaped white stone belts. The walls of the Northern transition were fully transcribed, and the three semicircular window laid over the passage again. Restored decor wings don't quite match fixing drawing of 1858.

In the basement under the Western part of the building preserved torispherical vaults. The rooms of the first floor combined with passing along the courtyard facade of the building by a corridor. On the second floor of the main building there is a front Suite consisting of three rooms and a corridor which joins the room wings to the main building.

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