The Tver academic drama theatre Photo: Tver academic drama theatre

The appearance in the city of Tver theatre associated with the unprecedented rise of Russian national culture in Russia that occurred in the mid-18th century. Drama is not an exception among other opening of cultural institutions. It was founded in 1745, acting at a theological Seminary. At that time the Seminary was at Fedorovsky monastery, on the island, where visitors Tmaka into the Volga. This theater, which consisted of professional actors, has existed for about 30 years – it became the forerunner of the city theatre.

In the middle of 1787 was built a building to house the theatre. Performances were held in specially designated premises and public buildings. Initially, more plays were staged Verevkin M. I., but soon appeared and plays of I. A. Krylov In the early years of the 19th century acting troupe was provided "Free of noble society."

In 1848, for the needs of the theater was built a new building with the support of the merchant Sutugin. Was soon formed troupe, consisting of famous alumni of the Moscow school. For the first time was a Comedy of Gogol N. In. "Marriage", which was a great success. By 1879 drama theatre moved to the building of Public Assembly. At the end of 1888, not only the theater itself, but also the Public meeting were moved to a spacious building of the arcade, which was built under Empress Catherine II in continuation of Millionnaya street. Now this is where the modern drama.

While on stage was conducted productions of classical and contemporary drama, but also such works as "the Idiot" by F. Dostoevsky, "the Death of Ivan the terrible" A. Tolstoy, the works of Moliere's "wolves and sheep" and "Blue bird" Metherlence.

In the period between 1926 and 1931 years in the theatre employs four companies, of which, to a greater extent distinguished troupe Margaritov N. In. and Bryansk V. M. – these troupes became soon the main. In mid-1934 the building was rebuilt, with built auditorium, has 1250 seats. The opening of the theatrical season in the new building was carried out by setting Vishnevsky "Optimistic tragedy". In 1937 the Director of the theater becomes S. V. Vinogradov, who also directs, and the most respected in the city Theatre school.

Once started the Great Patriotic war, from the theatre troupe was formed by a detachment of the militia, but in the early winter of 1942, they returned to their hometown. A month later, in the House of Officers was presented the play Simonov "the Guy from our city". After a year of war, the theatre has played more than 170 performances, as well as approximately one and a half thousand concerts.

In the period from 1942 to 1951 drama theatre was in the room of Spectators, but in 1951 the theatre building that can accommodate 800 spectators, was renovated with the work of architect Maximov A. P. and engineer Tikhomirova I. M.

In 1962-1967, with the dramatic theatre of the city of Tver branch established at the Moscow art theatre Studio, from which he graduated some famous actors: Khonina N. In., Kataev V. Z., Spivak, A. S., V. A. Sinitsky throughout the lifetime of the Tver regional drama theatre, and at the following Directors: Lobanov, I. P., Rostovtsev, V. S., Belov G. P., Lakshin A. A., Lelyanov O. P., Vinogradov, S. V., Popova E. Z., long playing and brief coaching B. V., Pastukhov N. N. and many others.

It is important to note that the theatre with great success commits tours not only throughout the country but also abroad. A particular success was waiting for him in Athens, where they played performances of "Anna Karenina" and "the Cherry orchard" when performances took place not only in Russian but also in the Greek language.

Today, the theatre is a great success and every its premiere attracts a huge number of people.

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