Museum-estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky in Votkinsk Photo: Museum-estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky in Votkinsk

In may 1840, in the house on Manor street in the city of Votkinsk birthplace of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. One hundred years later, in 1940, the spacious two-storey house Votkinsk on the picturesque Bank of the pond was a Museum that demonstrates the situation and things, among which the composer spent the first years of his life.

The house with the mezzanine, where lived the family of Tchaikovsky, was built in 1806 for mountain chiefs (whom was the father of the composer) by architect Pechenkina. Opposite the house, the pond, was the Cathedral of the Annunciation, where he was baptized, the future genius of musical art.

In our days in the homeland of P. I. Tchaikovsky in addition to the house-Museum was reconstructed according to old drawings sixteen exhibition of objects lost outbuildings, gazebos and garden area, a part of the architectural complex of the estate of Tchaikovsky.

In the great hall of the Museum hosts classical music concerts, theatrical performances and literary events. To plunge into the atmosphere of the nineteenth century, where it was first born baby ringtones composer, will walk in the garden with centuries-old lime trees and pavilions in the classical style. In art salon you can purchase commemorative and souvenir items of folk artists.

State memorial architectural complex "Museum-estate of P. I. Tchaikovsky" is a monument of history and culture of Federal value, the town of Votkinsk and business card Udmurtia.

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