Tower Seestorm Photo: The Tower Of Seestorm

The tower, known as Seestorm, was built in Ulm back in the 14th century and was characterized by urban consolidation. Since she was an integral part of the city wall, and her style was as close to existed in the 14th century trends: masonry, the height of the building, the roof is all done in strict harmony. The tower's height was 20 meters, it was pretty much to the 14th century, but functionally it served as part of the system, pump water, and speaking in modern language, of the pump station.

The name of Seestorm received from one of the houses, which in those days was located outside the city limits: home Seelaus was intended to care for the sick. The tower was built by talented engineers, so it was long enough strategic reserve of water for the entire city if the city gates had for a long time to close. In the construction process was used not only traditional materials: water tanks were made from a special grade of oak with copper lining, thus achieved not just the safety of the water, but also its purity, because oak has disinfectant properties.

In the late 19th century, when the city received its own supply, there is no need to use the tower for the purpose. And yet, it remained one of those buildings, which offer great views of Ulm. Today the tower Seestorm necessarily part of the tourist routes, because she is a living reminder of the history of the city, besides, the building itself is well preserved despite the war and destruction that affected Ulm.

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