The Church Of Theodore Stratelates Photo: The Church Of Theodore Stratelates

One of the outstanding monuments of Novgorod architecture is the Church of Theodore Stratelates on the Brook, built in 1360 - 1361, Governor Semyon Andreevich. In the name of the Church preserved the memory of buried in the 20th century, the Creek, on the Bank and a Church was built.

To imagine how the temple looked like in the fourteenth century, you need to mentally remove the bell tower and refectory, which appeared only in the XVII century. Cubic, single-headed Theodore Church for a long time became a model for Novgorod architects, for the first time since its facades were decorated with small arches, Lancet Windows, niches (some were painted with frescoes).

In the temple there is a place for attention - stairs in the wall leading to the choir. There found many inscriptions (a kind of ancient graffiti), in particular practice writing the alphabet (for example, five times repeated the phrase "go near beaver river"). Probably in the Church taught literacy of future deacons. Since the Church was erected at private expense, of the southern facade was built a family tomb, and the choir is the chapel of St. Simeon Stylites, the patron Saint of the merchant-philanthropist.

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