The Palazzo Chilena Photo: The Palazzo Chilena

The Palazzo Chilena – Renaissance Palace in Vicenza, built in 1540, the year. This is the first city Palace, designed by Andrea Palladio. It was funded for four brothers Ciona. Date "1540" engraved on the medal, which is stored in the City Museum of Vicenza, and marks the beginning of the construction of the Palazzo. Probably the building was completed two years later, shortly before Palladio has begun work on the Palazzo Thiene. Unfortunately, in 1750, the year the Palazzo Civenna was substantially rebuilt Domenico Cherat, and during the Second World war during bombing was half destroyed. It was subsequently restored only its facade.

Palladio did not include a sketch of the Palazzo Civen in his treatise "the Four books on architecture", but there are different drawings of the Palace, which show that the architect changed the project. The original project can be restored by the publication of Ottavio Bertotti of Scamozzi 1776-the year: group of rooms arranged on either side of the atrium, and the Palladian Windows are very similar to those that occur in the project the Palladian villas of the same period. Later Cherat extended the atrium and modified stairwells.

Because the Palazzo Civenna was built at the beginning of 1540, the year, it serves as a model early creations and architectural views of Palladio before his fateful trip to Rome. Like Villa in Crucoli, the Palazzo stood out from conventional in Vicenza building traditions: polyvore (a medieval type of window) in the center of the façade is replaced by a succession of bays with pilasters. There is no doubt that there Palladio relied on Roman palaces of the early 16th-century. While the facade of the building is devoid of plasticity, and seems cut from a sheet of paper.

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