Disna Photo: Disna

The city Disna is one of the oldest cities of Vitebsk region, known since the eleventh century. Disna is built at the confluence of the river into the river Western Dvina.

Originally Disna had another name – kopec-town (the name is derived from the word dig). As you can tell from the title, is already in the XI century the city was surrounded by an earthen rampart. The rapid construction of the city began in the XVI century, when after the capture of Polotsk by Ivan the Terrible in 1563, the Polish king Stefan Batory decided to build a military fortress.

Now Disna known as the smallest town in Belarus, however, at the entrance to the city, once it becomes obvious that he's seen better times. In Disna many majestic ruins – monuments of a glorious past.

Now comes the restoration of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the virgin Mary that once belonged to the monks-Franciscans, who built a monastery here in 1773. In the city there are ruins of the hospital, built at the turn of XIX-XX centuries. Largest hospital can be judged, what was the city Disna in the times of tsarist Russia.

Across the river Disna built the bridge, which is over 100 years old. It was called the Centennial bridge. Its uniqueness is that it with a wooden surface. After the Second world war, the bridge had to be rebuilt, using captured German flying. To get to Disna is possible not only on the Centennial bridge, but also on current river ferry – where else can you find such Exotica?!

In the Church of the resurrection is the miracle of the Orthodox Shrine – Disna icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria. The icon was miraculously uncovered during the terrible fire of the city. People walked around with the icon of the city, and the fire stopped. For the Protectress of the Governor-General Muravyov was built in Disna beautiful the resurrection Church.

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