Orsha Photo: Orsha

Orsha – the ancient Slavic city. It was first mentioned in the primary chronicle in 1067, however, the city is much older. There is information that on the territory of Orsha was a large Slavic unification of the tribes Arcania. Now Orsha – big beautiful city that attracts many tourists for its museums and sights.

The Jesuit College was founded in Orsha in 1590 Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lev Sabagay. Famous educational institution lasted until 1803. Now the College has been reconstructed and restored also the clock tower. Today in the building of Collegium are museums and art galleries.

The Church of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary was built in 1691 at Holy Dormition convent. In the XVIII century the Church was rebuilt. In the 1960s the Soviet authorities demolished the ancient Church. In our time the Church completely rebuilt on the same Foundation. Ancient St. Elias Church was originally built in 1460. On one of the walls of the Church painted icon of Euphrosyne of Polotsk.

Current Dominican Church of St. Joseph – very unusual for a Catholic Church building located in the city Park. The Church was built in 1808.

The mill Museum is a restored wooden windmill. This mill stood at the confluence of the Dnieper and Orshitsa since the founding of the city. The first time the mill was reconstructed in 1903, the second time – in our days. Inside there is an interesting Museum that shows the national traditions of bread baking, and Handicrafts.

Children's Park – journey to the land of fairy tales and children's dreams. River shady Park, populated by fairytale and cartoon characters. A very good place. For fans of quiet rest.

Memorial Museum of Konstantin Sergeyevich Zaslonova – legendary Belarusian partisan railroad, undermined by "coal mines" 93 German steam locomotive. In the Museum you can learn more about the Belarusian partisan movement during the great Patriotic War, to see the oath of the partisans and the list of heroes who died during the war. Much attention is paid to the train theme of wartime.

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