Museum of the history of the Vitebsk tram Photo: Museum of the history of the Vitebsk tram

Museum of the history of the Vitebsk tramway began operation in 1966 in the building of the tram depot of Vitebsk.

The history of electric transport in Vitebsk began in 1885, when the Vitebsk town Council granted the French master Fernand Guillen and said he wants to build an electric railway. When you consider that in Europe the first electric passenger tram was launched only in 1881, Vitebsk authorities, this idea seemed a utopia, but, nevertheless, in 1886 a Treaty was concluded according to which the city gave a concession for the construction and operation of trams in Vitebsk for a period of 40 years.

In order to let the tram, it was necessary to build a power plant. Enterprising Frenchman constructed a power plant, who worked on oil and wood. She not only gave electricity for trams, but also highlighted the most important houses of the city are: the Governor's Palace, the headquarters of the Dvinsk military district, court, hotel, hospital and theater.

18 June 1898 and Vitebsk was first trams were introduced. Earlier than in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Outdoor on the initiative of the trade Union in 1966, a small Museum has done a great job of finding all archival materials related to the work of trams in Vitebsk. The Museum's collection contains documents, photographs, layouts vintage trams, cash registers, tickets, conductor handbags and many other interesting items.

But the most interesting is in tram Park – there you will find the true operating historic streetcars, which are still rolled willing on weekends and holidays.

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