The Church Of The Nativity Of The Theotokos Photo: Church Of The Nativity Of The Theotokos

The Church of the Nativity of the virgin, Dating back to 1537, was the Cathedral of Vozmoznogo monastery of the city of Volokolamsk. The monastery was abolished, but the Church survived until our days. Four-column cross Church with three altar was originally capped three chapters. Two chapters on the Eastern corners of the building demolished in 1792, then arranged hipped roof. The temple facades are divided by blades and completed the Gables. The entrances to the Church is decorated with promising portals. In the interior of the temple – the altar and the pillars – preserved fragments of frescoes of the XVI century.

From the West adjacent to the Church refectory and a three-tier belfry. The decoration of these extensions quite modest, the Windows are framed in identical frames with triangular pediments.

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