Laeticia rocks Photo: Laeticia rocks

Laeticia rocks form a cliff, reaching in some places the height of 250 meters and resembling a hand, arm bent at the elbow. Rocks are dissecting the old ridge-Panin Iskarsko gorge (on the left side) above the railway station lakatnik. Bizarre rock formations due to their composition, which is composed of Sandstone and limestone, vyvetrivsheisya over time. Some of the rocks resemble the peaks and towers, and some mushrooms like or pyramid.

Laeticia rocks are highly developed karst. In its limestone rocks, hundreds of caves and abysses. The longest is a Dark hole, its length is about 9 kilometers. In 1966 Laeticia rock declared protected area to preserve the characteristic landscape and rock formations, caves, as well as the local flora and fauna. In this area is the only confirmed population of Silene velcevii (the flower Campion), which is a Bulgarian endemic.

Among climbers Laeticia rocks are very popular, they are divided into six regions, which are laid over 350 routes of varying difficulty. The most popular Enemy's hole, located in the canyon of the river Probality, and Alpine meadow.

The Settlement was one of the first in Bulgaria, where was born the local climbing. Many tourists come to this area to visit the caves. The most famous caves in a Dark hole, Kozarska, Swinska, Ruzicka and Sidanko. Cave Laketica landscaped mountains, so their use necessary equipment and an experienced guide.

For tourists who are not interested in extreme sports, there are many paths you can admire the panorama at any time of the year. Due to good transport routes and proximity to Sofia Laeticia cliffs are a popular holiday destination.

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