Bell tower of XI'an Photo: bell Tower of XI'an

The Xian bell tower is a building built in traditional Chinese style, is located in downtown XI'an, the ancient capital. It is from this tower depart all the important streets of the city – East, North, West and South, which connect the bell tower with gate of the city walls.

The bell tower is the most well preserved and largest wooden tower in China. Its height of 36 meters, and the base - width of about 35 meters and a height of about 8, 5 meters. Such large dimensions of the tower due to the fact that during the reign of the Ming dynasty Xian had very important military value.

A tower has been built in 1384 by Emperor Zhu Huancane, for the protection of the city had the opportunity to observe the countryside and were able to prevent the appearance of the enemy or an attack of the enemy army.

Inside the tower 2 floor, iron spiral staircase and a lot of beautiful color paintings. Outside the tower is paved with gray bricks, the gilded roof, and the eaves that protect from the weather, have a dark green tint.

On the second floor level on the West wall of the bell tower is a plaque which tells that in 1582 the tower was moved here from somewhere else. Original place it was built close to the main street of XI'an city, in 1384. During the reign of the 5 dynasties tower was the center of the city, but over the years the town grew and moved to the geographical center of XI'an. For this reason, in 1582 the tower shifted to a kilometer into the Eastern part of the city. According to the documents of the era, the transportation of the tower was easy and quick and did not require financial costs, which was the fame of bell tower in the architectural reference.

In the old days, in the Western corner of the building was a bell cast during the Tang dynasty, Zinoni, but, according to urban legend, during the reign of the Ming dynasty bell for some reason stopped. It was then that the current bell was cast, smaller and weighing 500 kg. the Original bell, called "Tsinun", is in the Museum of Forest of Stone Stell.

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