Historical Museum of Shaanxi province Photo: Historical Museum of Shaanxi province

Historical Museum of Shaanxi province is located in the administrative center of Shaanxi, in the city of Xian. The Museum began in 1983, but the official opening took place only in 1991, in June.

The historical Museum was one of the first huge modern modernized Chinese museums. The completion of its construction marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the development of museums of China.

Architectural implementation of the Museum building is designed in the style of Tang dynasty. The total area occupied by the Museum, is more than 66 thousand square meters, and under the premises of the Museum, there are 55 thousand, 8 thousand given over to storage and 11 thousand and exhibition hall with exhibits.

The exhibition part of the Museum is divided into three zones. In the first zone exposed those artifacts that dated back to the Qing dynasty, that is, until 206 BC In this room you can see the stone tools that were used in the everyday life of the primitive people, the bronze vessels for sacrifices, utensils of clay, guns.

In the second room, visitors will see exhibits Dating from the period up to 589 ad, i.e. the southern and Northern dynasties. In this hall there are a lot of paper exhibits svitavou paintings and documents that tell about the importance of paper production as the most important invention of China.

The third division is devoted to the Tang, yuan, sui, song, Ming and Qing dynasties. In this hall there is an exhibition with a model of XI'an city during the Tang dynasty and the sui dynasty. Also a lot of quality porcelain, silver and gold ware, clay figurines.

In the Historical Museum of XI'an holds about 370 thousand items, ranging from tools of ancient people and ending with the luxuries and life a hundred years of history. The exhibits presented in the Museum of Shaanxi province is a very important and valuable cultural and historical heritage of China and the world in General. There is a huge amount of gold, silverware, ceramic statues, Buddhist statues, frescoes and fragments of the tombs of the Tang and Han. One of the most famous exhibits of the Museum are the remains of Homo Erectus, a very ancient but little-known primitive man.

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