Transfiguration Gennadiev monastery Photo: Transfiguration Gennadiev monastery

Transfiguration Gennadiev the monastery is located near the arrow of the rivers of Kostroma and Obnora R., in the village of Sloboda Lyubim district, on the lake of the CPSU. Transfiguration Gennadiev the monastery until 1647 called New Korniliev desert. The monastery was located 26 miles from Loved. The monastery was founded by St. Gennady, who was a disciple of St. Cornelius, in 1529, by the command of Grand Prince Vasily Ivanovich.

Before that there was only one cell, where the hermits lived Reverend Cornelius and Gennady after leaving Komel'sk desert because of the murmuring of the brethren of Komel'sk monastery Abbot Cornelius for his preference Gennady other monk. Cornelius loved him for his tireless work, obedience and humility. To calm myself, and the brethren Reverend Cornelius left together with Gennady, instructing the monastery of the twelve brothers. The exiles settled near Sura of the lake. There were Bertie forests, which belonged to the Grand Prince's peasants. Common people noticed hermits and built cells for them.

In 1529 Grand Prince Vasily with his wife Elena on the way to Belozersky monastery for pilgrimage of childbearing were in the desert Komel'sk. But not finding here of St. Cornelius, and knew why he had gone away, the Prince was angry and sent his servants to the officer, that he arrived back in Komel'sk deserts. Upon return of the monk Vasily Ivanovich has persuaded Cornelius to remain in the monastery, and Gennady were allowed to found a monastery on the shores of lake Sura.

Gennady, clearing with his own hands place on the shore and draining it ponds and well, with the new brotherhood, the temple of the Transfiguration. To it was added another – in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The monk Gennadii died 23 January 1565 after the disease.

In 1644, during the dismantling of the old Church of the relics of St. Gennady. Power has long been in the Transfiguration Church openly, but were later hidden under a bushel. In the 1830s the Abbot Palladium wanted to explore the relics of the Saint. But when I started analysis of masonry at the location of the cancers, there was a strong crackle and even a certain trembling of the temple. The workers and the Abbot, frightened, fled from the temple.

In the early 1920s, the monastery was dissolved, and all property was taken under escort to Yaroslavl. According to eyewitnesses of those events, when carried Shrine with the relics of the monk Gennadii before Sloboda bridge of the horse reared. Soldiers carry the wagon refused, decided to make this one of the locals. Quilting horses, he saw standing before them on the road the monk Gennadii.

The buildings of the monastery repeatedly exploded. Today the fence of the monastery remained until the 1980s remained some towers. Fraternal building was used as a prison. But it was disbanded, and the case is broken. At the Transfiguration Cathedral kept horses. In 1961 the Cathedral tried to blow up, but the walls and his head survived, the same altar in 1988 demolished tractors.

Local residents claim that the village of Timeno there is a spring with healing water. This source is also called Gennadievna. They say that he was used to be a monk. The water in the source has with the shallow depth of many keys and even when coronographic frost does not freeze.

In the monastery there is a tombstone, which has the power to cure diseases. But, who is buried under this stone is unknown.

The ensemble of the Transfiguration Gennadievna of the monastery was transferred in 1997 to the Orthodox community, which was formed in 1996 in the composition of the buildings included: Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in a dilapidated condition, the Church of Alexei and the bell tower. Work began on the restoration of the monastery.

The monastery was restored well the monk Gennadii having a depth of 12 m Over the well built wooden Church in honor of St. Gennady. Under it is also a healing stone.

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